Posted on 06 Apr 2022
RSMP User Group Meetings 2022
The RSMP Nordic group is pleased to announce the successful launch of a new series of online User Group Meetings, covering a range of topics relevant to users of RSMP.
The User Group Meetings are non-technical meetings with an emphasis on RSMP users sharing experiences, needs, and ideas. It is mainly for for road authorities. The RSMP Nordic Secretariat has a faciliting role.
On March 17th, 2022, a User Group Meeting was held, with the topic “Introduction to RSMP”. The 22 participants were mostly comprised of public authority representatives from local, regional, and national levels in Nordic countries. Most were existing users of RSMP, but we were happy to see many interested public authorities, which have not yet adopted RSMP in their traffic signals and roadside equipment.
A very good and concrete proposal, which came out of the User Group meeting, was for RSMP Nordic to develop templates for how require RSMP when procuring equipment and traffic signals.
The next User Group meeting will be on April 21st, 2022, on the theme “RSMP and Testing Tools”. This User Group meeting will be a bit more technical than others. Though public authorities will still be the main target audience and the information will be relevant for all RSMP users, suppliers and producers will be invited as well to discuss their testing procedures and the new RSMP testing tools described on https://rsmp-nordic.org/tools/.
If you would like to attend, and have not already been invited, please write Jos van Vlerken.
If you have topics you would like to discuss beyond the ones proposed below or have relevant use cases that woudl you would like to present, please feel free to reach out to the Jos van Vlerken from the RSMP Nordic secretariat.
2022-04-21: RSMP and Testing Tools
Introduction to the automated testing tools which have been developed for RSMP.
Target group: Technical. Existing RSMP users from public and private sector and others interested in RSMP validation and testing either on own equipment or as process in delivery of equipment.
2022-05-19: RSMP for new suppliers
In this meeting suppliers recently adopting RSMP will be able to discuss the challenges, opportunities, functions and wishes of and for RSMP.
Target group: Non-technical. For suppliers as well as public authorities working with roadside equipment and traffic signals.
2022-06-16: New RSMP functions in monitoring and managing traffic signals and road side equipment
Introduction to new functionalities in the latest RSMP release, with discussion. Discussion on the perceived impact of new functions.
Target group: Non-technical. Current and potential RSMP users from public authorities and private sector.
2022-08-18: RSMP and Priority in Traffic Signals
Presentation and discussion of the new priority messages in RSMP for signal priority for busses and other modes of transport.
Target group: Non-technical. Current and potential RSMP users from public authorities, public transport providers, and private sector with a special interest in priority in intersections.
2022-09-15: RSMP in Procurement of Traffic Signals and Road Side Equipment
Presentation and discussion of best practice and benefits of RSMP in procurement in relation to supplier/vendor independency.
Target group: Mostly procurement specialists. Current RSMP users, as well as public authorities who would like insight in tenders and procurement using RSMP.
2022-10-20: Maintenance of equipment and systems with RSMP
Challenges and opportunities of maintaining equipment using the RSMP.
Target group: Non-technical. Current and potential RSMP users from public authorities with interest in service and maintenance of equipment.
2022-11-17: LISA and RSMP
Presentation and discussion of the possibilities of integrating RSMP with LISA and other similar solutions with the purpose of making signal programming more convenient.
Target group: Primarily for traffic engineers.