Posted on 12 Jun 2020
RSMP and MobiMaestro in Copenhagen
When the city of Copenhagen replaced all traffic light controllers in a tender in 2012, they decided to switch to RSMP as the communication protocol for monitoring and management of all road side equipment.
In 2017, Copenhagen Municipality invested in the traffic management system MobiMaestro to make it easier to monitor and manage the traffic. The combination of a vender-neutral traffic mangement system, combined with a the open protocol RSMP has proven to work well in Copenhagen, because equipment and systems from different vendors now talk the same language and work together.
With RSMP and MobiMaestro, Copenhagen have a much better situational awareness of the traffic in the city, and can can actively manage the situation - both when things are running normally, and when the unexpected happen.
In 2020, more than 500 units are connected to MobiMaestro using RSMP. This includes roadside equipment like traffic light controllers, counting stations, bicycle barometers, radars and variable message signs.